Email Your MP


    Send an email to support the growth of Indigenous Rangers

    Sign to add your voice to the call for more Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas for the long term

    Protecting nature, supporting cultural strength, creating jobs for people to support their families, opening up new opportunities for men and women, young and old, and creating genuine and positive partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas are producing environmental, economic and social outcomes for the benefit of all Australians.

    The government’s own research shows that Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas should be grown for the long term. Read more here.

    These programs should grow and their future should be secured for the long term.

    It is time to secure and strengthen the Australian Government’s investment in Indigenous land and sea management.

    We call for the Australian Government to:

    1. Double funding for Indigenous ranger and Indigenous Protected Area over the next five years;

    2. Commit to longer term funding for Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas; and

    3. Support a national target of 5000 Indigenous land and sea management jobs by 2030.

    This message will be sent to Indigenous Affairs Minister Scullion, Environment Minister Frydenberg, Your Senators and Your Local MP

    Dear <your local MP's name will be automatically entered>,

    Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas are working.

    Around the country, Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas use a unique mix of traditional knowledge and modern science to protect the Outback and sustain our native plants and animals. Rangers are combatting feral animals and the spread of damaging weeds, managing wildfires, protecting cultural sites, maintaining sustainable tourism opportunities and supporting research. But Australia is a vast country, and more effort and support is needed to ensure many millions of hectares of land and sea gets the management it needs.

    As well as protecting nature, these programs support cultural strength, create jobs for people to support their families, open up new opportunities for men and women, young and old, and create genuine and positive partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. 

    Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas are producing environmental, economic and social outcomes for the benefit of all Australians.

    These programs should grow and their future should be secured for the long term. I ask you to support the call to double funding and secure long term contracts for Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas, and set a long term target of 5000 Indigenous land and sea management jobs.

    Yours sincerely,
    <your name will be inserted here>

    Supporting Organisations