Double funding for Indigenous Rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas

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As a constituent in your electorate, I am joining more than 90 000 Australians nationwide to call on all parties to:

  1. Double funding for Indigenous ranger jobs and Indigenous Protected Areas;
  2. Secure a long term future for these programs; and
  3. Ensure quality delivery and a long term target of 5000 Indigenous ranger jobs nationwide

Across Australia, Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas are delivering results for the benefit of every Australian. Rangers are maintaining tourism and cultural sites, tackling feral animals and invasive weeds, supporting research and limiting dangerous wildfires. At the same time, the transformative effect of meaningful work is delivering role models, career and business opportunities and more in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

What will you do in the lead up to the federal election to support the call to grow and secure Indigenous ranger jobs and Indigenous Protected Areas for the long term?