Published: 27 Sep 2016
As part of the Jawun Partnership I worked preparing and rolling out a Safety Management System for the Rangers of the Kimberley, who are administered by the Kimberley Land Council. During my six weeks in the Kimberley while on secondment from my employer Qantas Engineering carrying out this important work, I was greatly impressed with the work that the Rangers performed and their commitment to our, their country. I have never felt so much hope that Aboriginal Australian's could take back control of their land and their lives than I did while working with those Rangers. This Ranger program is not just about land management or a few good jobs, it is about rebuilding pride in remote communities, providing role models to youth and giving purpose to current and future generations. I could not think of anything more worthy of support than the Indigenous Rangers working on their traditional land; for it is in every way a success and deserves long term determined support from government and business.