Join us in sending a message to Labor MPs to double funding and secure longer term certainty for Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas.
In the lead up to the 2019 federal election, the Australian Labor Party announced it would double funding for Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas. They committed to doubling the number of full-time Indigenous ranger jobs to nearly 1700 and to implementing six year rolling contracts that would provide longer term security to rangers working on the ground.
This policy recognised the powerful social, economic and environmental benefits Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas deliver to all Australians. Around Australia, Indigenous rangers care for country by taking on environmental threats like huge destructive wildfires, feral animals and invasive weeds. The Indigenous ranger program means more people work in meaningful jobs, supporting their families and becoming role models in their communities.
Country Needs People applauded Labor’s 2019 policy as “visionary” however, with new leadership comes change. The ALP is currently reviewing the policies it took to the 2019 election. Throughout 2020, the ALP will continuously develop new policies that it wants to pitch to Australians. Country Needs People is nonpartisan - we reckon Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas demonstrate success every side of politics should get behind - and we think it’s important both major parties lift the bar on what we can achieve by growing and securing Indigenous ranger jobs and IPAs.
We are calling on the Australian Labor Party to recommit to doubling funding for Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas. Join us in sending a message to your local Labor MP and the Labor leaders and show them that supporting Indigenous rangers and IPAs is important to all Australians.
Dear Local Labor MP,
CC: Leader of the Opposition, Labor Spokesperson for the Environment and Labor Spokesperson for Indigenous Australians, State Labor Senators,
I am writing to ask you to recommit to Labor’s policy to double funding and secure longer term security for Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas.
The Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Area programs deliver massive social, economic and environmental benefits to Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities around Australia. Through Indigenous ranger jobs, people are able to earn a decent wage doing meaningful work, while maintaining connection to country and becoming role models within their communities. Indigenous Protected Areas are on track to make up more than half of all protected areas on land in Australia.
Australia is incredibly vast and we need more boots on the ground working to tackle environmental threats like wildfires, feral animals and noxious weeds. The Indigenous ranger and Indigenous Protected Area programs deliver real environmental benefits that promote biodiversity, build resilience to climate change, and meet the cultural priorities of traditional owners Australia wide.
Nearly 100 000 Country Needs People supporters and over 40 frontline Indigenous land management organisations have called to grow and secure Indigenous ranger jobs and Indigenous Protected Areas. We welcomed your commitment before the election and want to see Labor continue to recognise the success of rangers and IPAs by recommitting to growing and securing these programs. These jobs are protecting nature and transforming lives so let’s get behind them.
What will you do to support growing Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas as Labor’s new policies are developed?
Yours sincerely,