
ABC Rural: Aboriginal rangers target feral pigs

Published: 18 Jul 2013

From ABC Rural, Virginia Tapp, 18 July 2013

Aboriginal rangers in the Queensland Gulf of Carpentaria have culled 40,000 feral pigs in the last five years.

The Land and Sea Indigenous Ranger Program was introduced by the State Government in 2009 to undertake land management work which combined the knowledge of traditional owners with modern technologies.

Carpentaria Land Council Ranger co-ordinator, Mark Hogno, says they're also using fire to control invasive weeds and constructing exclusion fences to protect wetlands.

He believes the program has been life-changing for those involved.

"Financially it's a 12 month a year job. Alot of work in the region up there is seasonal, so they get that financial security.

"A lot of pride comes with the job, because the Carpentaria Land Council rangers are looked at as some of the best in Queensland, so there's a lot of respect from their family members and tribal members."

The Carpentaria Land Council has applied for funding through the Commonwealth Biodiversity fund to run another feral pig eradication project over the next four years, aiming to remove 170,000 pigs.