Published: 24 Apr 2023
The Anangu Tjutaku Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) is the third largest IPA in Australia - a whopping 9.79 million hectares - and found in the heart of the Great Victoria Desert. Situated in Australia’s largest desert, this new IPA protects a landscape of great cultural significance and ecological importance. In one of Australia’s most remote communities, the land management work of the Spinifex Rangers is critical here.
Anangu Tjutaku protects 11 nationally listed threatened bird and animal species, 60 plant species of conservation significance, and 9 nationally listed migratory species, however one of the major threats to the IPA environmentally and culturally are feral camels.
Hundreds of thousands of feral camels roam Australia’s rangelands. Feral camels destroy Kapi (water sources) and damage plants, landscape and cultural sites.
The important work of Spinifex Rangers is ensuring feral camels are reduced, and waterholes are protected from camels.
Enjoy this short film about the Spinifex Rangers work managing camel.