
Country Needs People welcomes Labor Commitment to Double Indigenous Ranger jobs by 2030

Published: 9 Aug 2021

“Anthony Albanese’s statement today that Labor will commit to doubling Indigenous ranger jobs across Australia by 2030 is a major recognition of the value of First Nations land and sea management.” said Country Needs People Executive Director, Patrick O’Leary.

“Australia is a massive continent with multiple pressures on our lands and seas. From managing fire through controlled burning, reducing feral animal impacts, controlling invasive weeds there is so much work to do to protect biodiversity and the natural and cultural heritage of value to every Australian. Who better to do that than First Nations people who have an unbroken connection and commitment to managing their lands and seas?” Mr O’Leary said.

“We know that these jobs are transformational for individuals and communities. The combination of local and traditional knowledge and contemporary technical land and sea management skills is a powerful approach to healing Country. Where you can sustain this work overtime you will see better results. This will create more opportunities for young people, for women and girls, and to re-affirm the connection to country for many First Nations people.”

“We are asking all parties and candidates to commit to doubling ranger numbers, doubling funding for Indigenous Protected Areas and locking in ongoing support for this vital part of Australia’s frontline management of our lands and seas”